National Council for
Exercise & Fitness

The National Council for Exercise & Fitness (NCEF) is an academic affiliate of the University of Limerick (UL) offering the onlyuniversity accredited Health Fitness Instructor qualification in Ireland.
The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a mechanism for recognising all education and training in Ireland. The NFQ is a system of ten levels and is used to describe the Irish qualifications system.
A key element of the NFQ is to improve access (entry) to education and training, transfer within and between education and training and progression within and between education and training. Thus the NFQ aims to make the qualifications system easier to understand, thus facilitating recognition of qualifications both at home and abroad. The NCEF qualifications are placed as follows on the NFQ:
Year 1: Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness (CEHF) Level 6, Minor
Year 2: Higher Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness (HCEHF) Level 6, Major
Year 3: Diploma in Exercise and Health Fitness (DEHF) Level 7
Year 4: BSc. in Exercise and Health Fitness Level 8