National Council for
Exercise & Fitness

NCEF Strategic Plan 2023-2030
This document outlines a strategy for achieving the mission of the National Council for Exercise and Fitness (NCEF) over the next 7 years.
The formulation of the strategic plan involved making a careful assessment of the current state of the organisation, anticipating developments over the next seven years, agreeing on an NCEF vision and mission, making decisions on where and how we wish to be positioned in the future and identifying the actions that will get us there.
The plan was completed through consultation and consensus and with the utmost commitment from all those involved in the organisation, especially the NCEF Board of Trustees, NCEF Management, Tutors, Course Providers and NCEF Administration Team.
In today’s highly unpredictable and rapidly changing environment, organisations are required to adapt to change and respond to newly presented opportunities to ensure success. While this strategic plan is intended to form the basis of decision-making within the NCEF over the next seven years, it is important at the outset to recognise the importance of flexibility regarding its implementation. The plan will be continually reviewed and reassessed to take account of changing circumstances.
We look forward to working with all stakeholders in making the plan a reality.
Áine Ní Chonaill Damien Jackson
NCEF Director of Business, Operations and Finance NCEF Director of Education, Training & Development